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Landscape Drawing

Landscape drawing and painting is done in beautiful surroundings within grounds that contain a wide variety of subject matter. One seeks to record the light, atmosphere and colours but it is a daunting task, given the sheer dynamism of the natural world.

Once we stop seeing nature as passive, something to be trampled upon, exploited or even protected, a whole new world opens us. Where does a ray of light begin and where does it end.   According to physics, there is no boundary to light, it reaches out to infinity.  So how do we decide where the line is exactly?

As C. Cennini explained in his "Craftsman Handbook" a number of centuries ago "Painting calls for imagination in order to discover things not seen hiding under the shadow of natural objects, to give them shape and present to plain sight what does not actually exist.  Painting deserves to be enthroned next to theory and be crowned with poetry".

The Fundamental provisions for entering the profession according to him are "enthusiasm, reverence and constancy".

Basho, a Japanese poet and the master of haiku said, around 1670: "learn about a pine tree from a pine tree and about a bamboo stalk from a bamboo stalk" meaning that the poet must try to detach his mind from himself and enter into the object and share its delicate life and feelings.

For adults the experience can prove upsetting. Connecting so closely with parts of the non-human world - a plant or animal - will release all emotions we suppress about ecological catastrophes and can turn into despair and anger. Do we need to own and express our grief about what is happening to the natural world rather than switching off?  It is up to us.  Accepting we are part of the Earth can give us a sense of confidence, pleasure and wonder which will reflect on our work.


Rose Hilton, Bio Art resident tutor, well known for her unique use of colour imparts her skills during three and five day courses, in spring and autumn. Please enquire for further details.

IRINI, a Bio Art member, shaman and lecturer, organises three and five-day workshops at the Aghios Athanassios farm for body alignment and grounding. Please enquire for further details.

Eleni Sanikou, painter and experienced teacher of children and adults, will show you how to draw magic pictures in five three-hour sessions, while listening to Mozart and enjoying fabulous al fresco lunches at the Elis farm.

Manon Kairi professional painter and part time guide will impress you with her love for the ancient world, amuse you with the side stories on the games and make a visit to the ancient sites unique while also offering instructions and assistance to beginners.



In Greece, in the West of Peloponese, near ancient Olympia, there is a mountain side with an ancient castle-city on top called Aipy. On this mountain side there is a forest with pines and oaks as well as a vigneyard and an olive grove and still there is space for living, working and playing.
For this summer, Irini’s Center, member of Bioart, organises there weeklong workshops on various complementary Healing Arts that will assist you to reconnect with that wonderful and unique being hidden somewhere deep inside you and longing to come out.

As this is the first year that we will find ourselves on this beatiful site, we will combine Stretching, Chi Qong, Dervish Whirling and Belly Dancing with the Shaman Dance and Shamanic and Mayan Ceremonies.
There will be Reiki attunements, and Shamanic Arts experiential workshops as well as Healing Sounds workshops.
You can always enjoy a private session of Zen Shiatsu or Reflexology or Reiki by appointment. As well as a Shamanic Healing session or a Sound Healing session.

There are camping facilities on site with hot and cold water and breakfast and one meal is offered per day.
There are rooms to let in the nearby villages and luxurious hotels in Krestena, Olympia and along the coast, just a twenty minutes drive away.
In the same direction and the same distance there are the endless sand beaches on the Ionian coast in Kato Samiko and Kaiafa where you will also find healing warm water springs.

OPENING CEREMONY Saturday 17th of June, 18:30 on the site of Agios Athanassios, 2klm before the village of Platiana on the road from Krestena to Andritsaina in the department of Ilia. To get there you have to drive through Platiana and then take the upper road where the Rally thakes place, and finally follow the sign posts.


18th to 23rd of June 2006

WEAVING MY LIFE Shamanic workshop to help you find out how to finally weave your own life exactly the way YOU want it to be! With Irini Sanikou
DERVISH WHIRLING The Dervishes praying and merging with the whirling of the Sferes in the Universe. Introduction into drumming. With Nikolas Souliotis
Arrival on the 17/6 and departure on the 24/6

25th to 30th of June 2006

THE ALCHEMY OF THE BODY Waking up the body’s tendons and energising the body with Sound.
Spiritual Therapy and letting go. Night Ceremony. Healing your relationships with your Ancestors.
Fire Ceremony and Temascal (dry Sauna). Dreaming and nurturing the Heart.
Moving Meditation and Meditation on the basic challenges in life. With Alexander Elion. Arrival on the 24/6 and departure on the 1/7

2nd to 7th of July 2006

OPENING OF THE 7 ENERGY CENTERS / CHAKRAS with Chi Qong exercises, their function according to Caroline Myss, and their Sound.
SWIMMING DRAGON a simple Chi Qong for a good digestive system, weight loss and beautiful complexion…. The dragon ‘s movement represents the movement of the energy in the Universe.
THE SOUND OF LIFE Sound exercises for you to feel your own vibration and find the sound of your own healthy body. And finally feel your tribe healing YOU! With Irini Sanikou. Arrival on the 1/7 and departure on the 8/7

16th to 21st of July 2006

EIGHT MINUTE CHI QONG, IMMITATION OF THE FIVE ANIMALS a simple but dynamic Chi Qong for the allignment of the body and mind with a very beneficial result on your health. With Christina Kouli.

THE MASK OF THE OLD ENERGY AND THE MASK OF THE NEW ENERGY Shamanic workshop for you to realize the Face you are living with and if you do not like it, connect with your own Face of Power. With Irini Sanikou
Arrival on the 15/7 and departure on the 22/7

23rd to 26th of July 2006 (4 days)

USING BELLY DANCING AS AN EXCUSE… basic techniques, breathing, Taoistic exercises, Chakras, choreography, improvisation, relaxation and self-massage. With Gerorgia Laskou
Arrival on the 22/7 and departure on the 27/7

31ST of July to 4th of August 2006

INTRODUCTION TO THE BASIC TECHNIQUES OF ZEN SHIATSU for you to learn the way energy flows inside your body, learn to find relief from stress and learn to balance so much your own energy as well as helping your close friends and relatives. With Christina Kouli and Filitsa Giannakopoulou
Arrival on the 30/7 and departure on the 5/8

6th to 11th August 2006

STRETCHING and balancing of your own energy by opening the meridians to allow the vital energy to flow unhindered.
SHAMANIC DELIGHTS AND WILD DREAMS Shamanic workshop to learn how to live with a generosity of spirit, transform “learned helplessness” and realize that it is the vibratioon of Love that neutralizes the vibration of Fear. With Irini Sanikou
Arrival on the 5/8 and departure on the 12/8

20th to 25th August 2006  W O M E N  O N L Y

BELLY DANCING, the Dance of Life, the Dance of Fecundity. With Sylvia Serena

WOMEN’S BUSINESS Shamanic workshop to reconnect with your female nature. Going through all the stages of your life as a woman and healing it. With Irini Sanikou
Arrival on the 19/8 and departure on the 26/8


Christina Kouli, Master in Astrophysics at the University of Amsterdam. Four years in China she studies Chinese, Tai Tji Chuan and Accupuncture. Now graduating from the European Shiatsu School in Athens. Reiki 3rd degree.
Filitsa Giannakopoulou, Face massage, Swedish massage. Now graduating from the European Shiatsu School in Athens. Reiki 1st degree.
Alexander Elion, Mechanical Ingeneer from the Polytechnic School of Patras. Athlete from 1992-1999 at competition level. One year and a half in Mexico and Guatemala he studies Natural Therapies, Meditation, Therapy through Fasting, Inner field Healing, Yoga, the Therapeutic Wheel and works with Crystals.
Nikolas Souliotis, musician and Drumming teacher. Traditional Greek drums, Indian, Brazilian, African drums. Byzantine music. Has played with many music groups in Greece and abroad.

Whirling dances since 1997, Sacred Dances, Yoga, Reiki and Thai massage.
Georgia Laskou, Economics, Internationalist, Performer (dance, singing and acting).

Irini Sanikou, Holistic Healer and Shaman. Works with Chi Qong and Tai Tji Chuan for the last 25 years. Shiatsu practitionner. Works 17 years with Lynn Andrews, writer and Shaman. Has visited Australia and worked with sound with the Aborigine women in the desert. Gives workshops in her Center in Athens, the Iris center in Amorgos, with Diodos in Pilio and in Ukiah in northern California.

Sylvia Serena, Born in Cyprus, she started with classical ballet at a very early age, came to Athens and then went to San Fransisco and New York where she studied modern dancing with well known teachers and performers, she worked with too. In New York she discovered Belly Dancing near Serena Wilson and she introduced it to Cyprus as an art to be taught in Dancing schools. She followed workshops in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. She teaches in her school in Cyprus and performs on a regular basis.


Camping 5 Euros per person per day Meals 10 Euros a day, breakfast and one meal

Four day workshop 100 Euros Six day full time 250 Euros


- early registration (1 month in advance) 20% discount
- the second person of the same family 30% discount
- the price for two workshops is: 250 euros for the first and 150 Euros for the   second or this price can be exchanged with volunteer work
- When paying two workshops in full you get a bonus of a private session of   your choice
- When taking three workshops, the third one is free!

INFORMATION Call us at 0030 210 9234 912 and mobile 0030 697 36 24 009
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Chi Kong Workshop

Our body consists of energy 98% and matter only 2%. We experience this energy as electricity or heat and just like electricity requires particular stations for production, distribution and control, so does our body’s. Those stations are called CHAKRAS, a Sanskirt word meaning Wheel, because they continuously rotate around their axle.

Chakras are responsible for all of our body’s functions, emotions and way of thinking.

During five days, for three hours each day, we will energise our charkas with easy Chi Kong exercises, where mind and movement are attuned and working with our breath.

We will then examine the way each charka reflects on our emotions and how those emotions and our way of thinking make us loose vital energy allowing sickness to establish itself in our body or gain energy to be healthy and full of power and joy.

We will tone each charka to enhance its alignment by strength and vibrations of our voice.

Visits to the sites of Ancient Olympia and to the coast for swimming are also included in this course.